August 23, 2012

New Product: Estee Lauder Invisible Fluid Makeup 24.08.12

So this week I ran out of tinted moisturiser.......sacrilege! I know I know, but hey when you and bub are sick makeup and looking pretty is the last thing on your mind as most of you mums would know!  After our bout of the cold/flu we were going off to lunch when I realised that I had nothing to put on my face!!!!Thank god for those free sachets that come with most fashion mags, usually I don't even look at these but this time I went riffling through my latest editions and the 1st one I came across was the Estee Lauder Invisible Fluid Makeup and I was pleasantly surprised. So off I hoped to DJ's and picked me self up some.....I'll let you know what I think of it after a few wears.I think it might be a goodie for summer, nice and light.

L xx

August 21, 2012

Street Style from Copenhagen: 21.08.12

I am completely obsessed with everything that is Scandinavian. Check out these fashionable ladies street style pics.....

L xx


August 01, 2012

Wardrobe Moment: 01.08.12

Ever since Carrie Bradshaw sashayed in to our lives way back when, I have as i am sure many woman have, dreamt about having a walk in robe filled to the brim with amazing designer outfits, bags and shoes. may not be a walk in robe and it may not be filled to the brim with designer goodies but we are getting our new wardrobe installed! Woop Woop! I have just ordered from mei + picchi some white timber hangers and now looking at some storage boxes to store all my winter goodies. I'll keep you posted with some images of our wardrobe as it is installed.

L xx